New Video Lecture Available

The Digital Health Coalition, where I serve as one of the Digital Scholars, has created a new online resource called the Digital Health Coalition Academy. At this online destination, they are providing a series of short videos about topics of interest to people working in the digital health space.

I am pleased that they asked me to create one of the inaugural presentations. I chose to update and slightly expand on the presentation I previously delivered at the FDLI enforcement conference. 

I've previously asked on this blog how much value people get from the slide decks I post on SlideShare when there's no corresponding audio because I sometimes post unaltered decks that were not created as standalone pieces, but were intended to be accompanied by my narrative.

I've also previously declared my intention to start making more video content available, and though this presentation isn't on my YouTube channel, which remains woefully inadequate, I hope the DHC partnership will jump start that process.

Please provide any feedback in the comments or privately about whether you find the presentation useful, especially whether it was significantly more valuable than just the slides alone on SlideShare.

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